

Renáta Makó- Árpád B. Palotás- István E. Sajó: The effect of the source of amorphous carbon upon its structure

 Air pollution is one of the most frequently mentioned environmental problems of the world. Especially, in addition to gaseous pollutants (CO2, NOx, etc.) solid particles, soots play a significant role in this as soot can absorb polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that are known to be very harmful to human health. This paper presents the result of a study on soots with X-Ray diffraction measurements. The aim of the study was to search for parameters that exactly determine a given soot specimen.

Krisztián Stoll : Die wirkung des bors auf die nötige energie für die entstehung und die fortpflanzung des risses
(German version)
 Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den bruchmechanischen Eigenschaften der mit Bor mikrolegierten Stählen. Der Zweck der Experimenten war die Nachweis, wie das Bor als Mikrolegierelement auf die Energie die zum Bruch, sowie auf Entstehung und Fortpflanzung des Risses wirkt. Wir benutzten zu der Untersuchung zwei Stahlsorten, deren Zusammensetzung außer im Borgehalt nur in vernachlässigbarer Maße voneinander abwich.
Technical traning and research on universities of the world  This paper presents the new educational structure developed by the recently appointed management of the Faculty of Metallurgical Engineering of the University of Miskolc for the branch of metallurgical engineering. A 2-level specialization is described, introduced both to the branch of metallurgical engineering and branch of materials engineering. Starting in September 1999, the students-metallurgists will be specialized in:
1. one of the sub-branches of industrial importance, such as Metallurgy, Foundry or Metal-forming,
2. one of the specialties of complementary importance, such as Materials Information, Automation, Energy Management, Waste Management, Marketing, Environment Protection, or Quality Management.
Pál Bárczy:  On the Domestic Material Engineering Courses

D. L. Beke - N. Takács- L. Harasztosi- Gy. Posgay- J. Béli- L. Daróczi:Nanomagnetism and Barkhausen noise in railway rails

Vilmos STEFÁNIAY- György ZIAJA :Stability Testing of Hypereutectic RS/PM Al-Si-Ni Alloy

F. Tranta: Martensitic transformation in its effect in stainless steel

Abstracts of the 2nd Conference of Material Science, Examination of Materials and Materialinformatics (okt.1999)

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Magyar Anyagtudományi Egyesület